Virtuální sklíčkový seminář pro rezidenty

zobrazeno 2550x

Uveřejněno 29. ledna 2013

Věnujte pozornost velmi zajímavé aktivitě Evropské společnosti patologů. Portugalští organizátoři připravili etapový závod pro rezidenty, ale jistě se může zúčastnit kdokoli, kdo má zájem.

Dear Colleagues,

In the frame of the European Congress of Pathology that will take place in Lisbon (August 31 – September 4, 2013) the European Society of Pathology (ESP) and the Portuguese Society of Anatomic Pathology (SPAP) are organizing a Plenary Residents Seminar (PRS), whose “Grande Finale” will take place at the Closing Events of the Congress. The Seminar will be chaired and commented by Prof. Ales Ryska (Czech Republic).

This activity of the Congress is meant to fit into the motto “Pathology: A Gate to the Future”. As a matter of fact there will be other activities centred on the Residents – for instance, the Sunset Rave Party which will be also partially supported by the Portuguese Society of Anatomic Pathology and will be coined the “Residents Night”!

For the purpose of the Plenary Residents Seminar (PRS), 12 leading Departments of Pathology from Portugal were invited to submit 2 cases each, that will be made available online every month from the end of January to June (4 cases each month). From each case, a digitalized slide will be made available, as well as a short clinical history. From these 24 cases, 4 will be selected by Prof. Ales Ryska for presentation at the Congress, by Residents, as mentioned above.

To make this initiative as lively as possible, we would like to invite all Pathologists and Residents to observe and discuss the cases, make comments and propose diagnoses for each case. To have access to the case you just have to connect to and follow the simple instructions displayed on screen. Around day 20 of each month a new set of 4 cases will become available at the website.

We do hope that this activity will stimulate everyone to get “in the mood” for the 25th European Congress of Pathology 2013. We look forward to welcoming you in Lisbon!

Warmest regards from the national organizers,

Fátima Carneiro  (President, ESP)

Rui Henrique (President, SPAP)

Manuel Sobrinho Simões (Chairperson, Local Organizing Committee)