1st European Symposium of Biopathology
Termín: 14. až 15. června 2012
Místo: neuvedeno
zobrazeno 2295x
Paris, France
An international scientific meeting for a new specialty of growing importance. This congress will be held in English and in French (with simultaneous translation), at a convention center in Paris, the 14th and 15th of June, 2012.
Program: 8h30 : Opening - Registration Introduction lectures 8h55 : Welcome (Pr JC Fournet, Necker Hospital, Paris) 9h00 : Tissue biomarkers and targeted therapy (Pr F Calvo, InCA, French National Cancer Institute) 9h30 : Systems pathology: Emerging integrative pathology (Pr M Dietel, La Charité Hospital , Berlin, Germany) 10h00: Tissue, tumors and theranostics: insights from the oncologist 10H30: Break Metastasis and tumor circulating cells 11h00: Identification of metastasis of unknown origin 11h30: Detection of circulating tumor cells (Pr P Paterlini, Necker Hospital, Paris, France) 12h00: Molecular characterization of circulating tumor cells 12h30: Lunch Cancer updates 13h30 : Colorectal cancer(Dr I Zlobec, Bern) 14h00 : Prostate cancer 14h30 : Lung cancer (Pr M Ladanyi, MSKH, New York) 15h00 : Breast cancer 15H30 : Pause Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in biopathology 16h00 : Next-Generation Sequencing: what for in diagnostic pathology? 16h30 : Whole oncogenome sequencing: is it sustainable? (Dr L Alexandre, Charleroi, Belgium) 17h00 : Targeted NGS from FFPE in oncopathology (Pr JC Fournet, Paris, France) 17h30 : Translocation identification by the NGS approach (Pr O Delattre, Paris, France) 18h00 : End of Day 1 18h15 : Press conference Day 2 - June 15th 2012 8h30 : Opening Xtreme molecular biology: fine-neeedle aspiration (FNA) and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples (FFPE) 9h00 : arrayCGH and mutation detection from fine-needle aspiration and FFPE (Pr T van Wezel, LUMC, Netherlands) 9h30 : RNA expression and splicing profiling from fine-needle samples (Dr P Viehl, IGR-ExonHit, Villejuif, France) 10h00 : Fine-needle aspiration of pancreas cystic lesions : an exemple of integrative pathology 10h30 : Break Immunohistochemical assessement of tissular biomarkers 11h00 : Oncogene dosage and oncoprotein expression assessment 11h30 : Automated quantification of oncoprotein tissular expression 12h00 : Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes as a prognosis biomarker 12h30 : Work lunch (Biotechnology companies) Tissue biomarkers at each floor 13h30 : Classification of pediatric tumors by arrayCGH (Dr I Janoueix, Institut Curie, Paris, France) 14h00 : Expression and splicing profiling for cancer diagnosis and prognosis 14h30 : miRNAs as tissue and cancer biomarkers 15h00 : Proteome: is it suitable fordiagnostic pathology? The emerging field of biopathology 15h30 : Ethical and legal issues of molecular pathology 16h00 : Biopathology and P4 medicine 16h30 : Finding new targets: The Cancer Genome Atlas project (Pr M Ladanyi, MSKH, New York, USA) 17h00 : End of the symposium
Registration: Early birds (before March 31st 2012). Price for 2 days at the Symposium: 300 € (lunch not included) After March 31st 2012. Price for 2 days at the Symposium: 350 € (lunch not included) Student price: 100 € (lunch not included)