11th European Congress of Telepathology & 5th Int. Congress on Virt. Microscopy
Termín: 6. až 9. června 2012
Místo: neuvedeno
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Postponed deadline for the 11th European Congress of Telepathology & 5th Int. Congress on Virtual Microscopy to 10th February 2012
The Congress, which will be held in Venice on 6-9 June 2012, is organized by the University of Udine, the Azienda Sanitaria ULSS 18 Rovigo, with the support of the Società di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia diagnostica – italian division of the International Academy of Pathology, the International Academy of Telepathology, the International Academy of Digital Pathology, and other partners. Abstracts and posters are welcome on all research fields related to digital pathology, telepathology, image analysis. Specific topics include but are not limited to: - Telepathology - Telediagnosis - Virtual Microscopy / Whole Slide Imaging: technology, validation, clinical trials - Image Analysis - IT in Pathology - Informatics Standards for Pathology … and related areas Submission will be online through an OpenConf based web site: http://www.telepathology2012.com/openconf/ . Deadline for abstracts is now 10th February, 2012; final papers are due by 1st May, 2012 . Proceedings will be published after peer review on Diagnostic Pathology (Impact Factor: 1,39). Further information is available at http://www.telepathology2012.com/ and http://www.virtualmicroscopy2012.com/ . Since June is high touristic season in Venice, please remember to register and book accomodation in time. The Congress Organization reserved a number of rooms in suitable hotels in Venice as well as in Mestre; see on web site for details. Thank you very much for your attention and see you soon in Venice, Vincenzo Della Mea and Roberto Mencarelli