Unravelling the Complexity of Biology with High-Parameter Research



Termín: 11. února 2019 od 15:00
Místo: Brno

zobrazeno 2238x

From cell types to tissue: analyse >40 functional and phenotypic markers simultaneously on the Helios and Hyperion™ Imaging System, powered by CyTOF® technology

Speaker: Roberto Spada, PhD.
Business Development Mass Cytometry EMEA, Proteomics, Fluidigm

Date: Monday, February 11th 2019, 3 p.m.

Location: Lecture Hall in the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

For free registration and more information:
Name: Vlasta Korenkova
Email: vkorenkova@dynex.cz
Phone: 735 759 569