S.I.S. European Congress on Breast Diseases



Termín: 22. až 25. října 2015
Místo: neuvedeno

zobrazeno 2414x

S.I.S. European Congress on Breast Diseases – 6th Congress of the Croatian Senologic Society

We are pleased that we can inform you that the ”S.I.S. European Congress on Breast Diseases – 6th Congress of the Croatian Senologic Society” will take place in Opatija from October 22-25, 2015. The Congress will be held at the Hotel Kvarner : Hotel Kvarner Pava Tomašića 2 51410 Opatija Croatia Phone: ++385 51 710 444 Fax: ++ 385 51 710 399 www.remisens.com/hr/hotel-kvarner All information regarding the Congress are available on the website www.novacon.hr/senology2015 If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact us. Please send your replies by e-mail to: lidija.vucic@zg.t-com.hr Yours sincerely, Lidija Vučić Congress service manager Novacon d.o.o. Bartolići 17 10000 Zagreb - Croatia Phone/Fax :++ 385 1 38 306 38 Cell : ++385 91 507 5134