European Symposium of Biopathology 2014



Termín: 19. až 20. června 2014
Místo: neuvedeno

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Biopathology Symposium 2014 (Paris, June 19-20th): Registrations and OPEN HOUSE

3 weeks remaining to register for the 2014 edition of the European Biopathology Symposium (June 19-20th, Center Paris, France)

60 places remaining. Location: Espace Marceau, Center Paris, France

OPEN HOUSE: Free access to the videos of
2012 and 2013 editions - One week of 60 free videos of molecular pathology

2012 edition:
2013 edition:

The access to 2014 videos will be restricted to attendants.

- State of the arts in molecular diagnosis and molecular pathology of cancer
- A multidisciplinary approach: molecular biology, morphology, bioinformatics, computing
- Filling the gap between basic research and clinical diagnosis
- A link between private and public research

The 2014 edition of the Biopathology Symposium will focus on these main thematics:

- Liquid biopsy (CTCs, plasma cell-free DNA)
- Monitoring treatment resistance by plasma cell-free DNA study
- Translocation detection by targeted sequencing
- Integration of diagnostic and molecular pathology
- Assessment of cancer biomarkers
- Cancer genome sequencing interpretation: new tools make it easier
- Molecular target designation for personalized therapy
- New tumor biomarkers
- Systems biology of cancer: the "big picture" for cancer managment
- Molecular updates for main cancers
- Targeted sequencing for molecular pathology
- Cancer sequencing and resistance to targeted therapy
- miRNAs as cancer biomarkers
- Optimization of molecular diagnosis for cancer study
- Morphological and Immunohistochemical assessement of cancer biomarkers
- New biomarkers: Exosome, Immunoscore


Check out our 2014 Program at


Catherine Alix-Panabieres, Université de Montpellier, France
Detection and characterization of viable Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) as liquid biopsy for cancer

Pierre Brousset, Toulouse
Non coding RNAs: new players in onco-hematology

Alain Coletta, InSilico Genomics, Brussels, Belgium
Cloud-based cancer genome analysis

Felipe De Sousa E Melo, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Nederlands
Biomarkers in colorectal cancer

Thierry Frebourg, Université de Rouen, France
Next-generation Sequencing in Oncology: a primer

Paul Hofman, Université de Nice, France
Liquid biopsy: From the pathologist to the biopathologist: Why and How?

Tom Hudson, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research - OICR
Linking Cancer Treatment Decisions with Large-Scale Mutation Surveys

Marius Ilie, Université de Nice, France
Immunohistochemical assessment of biomarkers for targeted therapy (BRAF, ALK, HER2)

Mariana Kuras, ArianaPharma, France
Real-timeNMR, a new method of in vitro cancerous tissue diagnosis in near real-time conditions during surgical procedures

Nadya Morozova, CNRS, CEA Saclay
Systems biology of lung cancer

Sven Nelander, Uppsala University, Sweden
Systems biology of brain tumors

Frédérique Penaul-Lorca, Universiét de Clermont-Ferrand, France
Molecular profiling by commercial kits in breast cancer

Pamela Pinzani, Universita di Firenze, Italy
Circulating tumor DNA in melanoma

Fredrik Ponten, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
The Human Protein Atlas, a powerful tool for the discovery of new tumor biomarkers

Pascal Sempé, IBM Healthcare
IBM Watson, a poweful tool for cancer treatment

Christine Sers, Tumor Systems Biology, Pathology Institute, Berlin, Germany
Systems biology of colorectal cancer

Valérie Taly, Université Paris-Descartes, France
Droplet-based quantitative detection of rare mutations

Alain Thierry, Université de Montpellier, France
Clinical validation of the detection of KRAS and BRAF mutations from circulating tumor DNA

Alfonso Valencia, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas, Madrid, Spain
Bioinformatics in cancer genome sequencing

Thomas Walter, Mines ParisTech, Institut Curie, INSERM
Dissecting cancer relevant cellular processes by phenotypic profiling from live cell imaging data

Exosome, a new class of biomarkers


Join the Cancer molecular pathology and targeted therapy week in Paris this June, 18-24th:

European Symposium of Biopathology (molecular targets identification for cancer treatment)
June 19-20th, Paris

12th European Congress on Digital Pathology
June 18-21th, Paris

WIN Symposium 2014 (cancer biomarkers, targeted and combination therapies for cancer)
June 23-24th, Paris


Scientific direction: Jean-Christophe Fournet

Organization: Valerie Houdaille - Agence U*

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Biopathology Symposium of Paris, France